Mapping blue carbon in mangroves worldwide

Mangroves are tropical forests that thrive in salt water and are found in a variety of coastal settings from deltas to estuaries to weathered reefs and limestone rocks worldwide. Mangroves can store greater amounts of carbon ...

New revelations from Superstorm Sandy data

Five years ago next month, four days before Superstorm Sandy made landfall in New Jersey, Rutgers University-New Brunswick marine scientists launched a data-collecting, submersible robot glider in front of the massive storm.

What would a tsunami in the Mediterranean look like?

A team of European researchers have developed a model to simulate the impact of tsunamis generated by earthquakes and applied it to the Eastern Mediterranean. The results show how tsunami waves could hit and inundate coastal ...

NASA sites across US vulnerable to climate change

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has been at the forefront of climate science, launching satellites that take the pulse of Earth's land, oceans and atmospheric systems, gathering data on climate, weather ...

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