Study reveals first emissions snapshot of Australian coal mines

Researchers have compiled the first snapshot of greenhouse gas pollution generated by 140 coal mines across the country, in an effort to shed light on the environmental footprint of Australia's coal mining industry and its ...

Coal in the crosshairs in Europe but fuelling emerging markets

Companies, banks and investment funds, primarily European, have been coming out in recent weeks with announcements they will halt investments in coal, a new front in efforts to reduce use of the highly polluting fuel that ...

Nuclear power or shale gas? Poland may have to choose

Poland has set it sights on building its first nuclear power station and developing shale gas, but experts believe it may soon have to choose one or the other as investing in both could prove too costly.

China risking water crisis due to coal: Greenpeace

Environmental campaigners Greenpeace urged China Tuesday to review plans for a huge expansion in coal mines and power plants, warning of a water crisis in the country's already arid north.

Conservationists protest Malaysia coal plant plan

(AP) -- Conservationists criticized a plan Monday to build a coal-fired power plant in an environmentally fragile state on Borneo island, but energy officials said the project will provide a much-needed electricity supply ...

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