China is planning ahead for life after coal

China's remarkable growth over the past three decades has elevated it to global superpower status. But its economic miracle has also attracted attention for the wrong reasons: the country is now the world's largest energy ...

US shale gas drives up coal exports

US CO2 emissions from domestic energy have declined by 8.6% since a peak in 2005, the equivalent of 1.4% per year.

The coal hard truth

Coal has long been synonymous with America's industrial heritage and economic expansion. That doesn't have to change: The United States has a 300-year supply of coal waiting to be tapped, a predicament that is at the heart ...

Guiding the way to a more sustainable energy future

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released an alarming report this October about what it would take to cap rising global temperatures at 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. Hitting this target has motivated ...

The big emitters: the United States

The United States, the world's second largest emitter of greenhouse gases, has pledged to halve its emissions by 2030 compared to 2005 levels—but so far is failing to stay on target, analysts say.

Report: Birds endangered by energy development

(AP) -- As the Obama administration pursues more homegrown energy sources, a new government report faults energy production of all types - wind, ethanol and mountaintop coal mining - for contributing to steep drops in bird ...

Northern China chokes under severe pollution

Tens of millions of people across northern China were under severe pollution warnings Tuesday, with authorities urging them to reduce outdoor activities as a grayish smog enveloped the region.

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