Clusters of gold atoms form peculiar pyramidal shape

Freestanding clusters of 20 gold atoms take the shape of a pyramid, researchers have discovered. This is in contrast with most elements, which organize themselves by forming shells around one central atom. The team of researchers ...

Scientists probe the limits of ice

How small is the smallest possible particle of ice? It's not a snowflake, measuring at a whopping fraction of an inch. According to new research published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the smallest nanodroplet ...

Active galaxies point to new physics of cosmic expansion

Investigating the history of our cosmos with a large sample of distant 'active' galaxies observed by ESA's XMM-Newton, a team of astronomers found there might be more to the early expansion of the universe than predicted ...

A lot of galaxies need guarding in this NASA Hubble view

Much like the eclectic group of space rebels in the upcoming film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has some amazing superpowers, specifically when it comes to observing innumerable galaxies flung ...

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