Open cluster NGC 2158 investigated in detail

Using data from ESA's Gaia satellite, astronomers have investigated a low-metallicity galactic open cluster known as NGC 2158. The study, presented in a paper published December 11 on the arXiv pre-print server, provided ...

Magic number colloidal clusters

Complexity in nature often results from self-assembly, and is considered particularly robust. Compact clusters of elemental particles can be shown to be of practical relevance, and are found in atomic nuclei, nanoparticles ...

Abell 2384: Bending the bridge between two galaxy clusters

Several hundred million years ago, two galaxy clusters collided and then passed through each other. This mighty event released a flood of hot gas from each galaxy cluster that formed an unusual bridge between the two objects. ...

Making head or tail of a galactic landscape

Astronomers have used data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory to capture a dramatic image of an enormous tail of hot gas stretching for more than a million light years behind a group of galaxies that is falling into the ...

Pandora's Cluster explored by researchers

Using the Magellan Telescopes in Chile, Italian astronomers have observed a giant galaxy cluster known as Abell 2744, dubbed the Pandora's Cluster. Results of the observational campaign, presented in a paper published February ...

Webb Space Telescope captures star clusters in Cosmic Gems arc

An international team of astronomers has used the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope to discover gravitationally bound star clusters when the universe was 460 million years old. This is the first discovery of star clusters ...

Hubble spots flock of cosmic ducks

This star-studded image shows us a portion of Messier 11, an open star cluster in the southern constellation of Scutum (the Shield). Messier 11 is also known as the Wild Duck Cluster, as its brightest stars form a "V" shape ...

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