Overwhelmed by group chat messages? You're not alone

For many of us, group chats are part of the texture of our social lives. These groups, formed on apps like Messenger or Whatsapp, can be as large as a hundred people or as small as three.

What's the best way to combine sports and school?

Some youth go all in to excel at a sport. But having a backup plan is a smart move. One day your athletic career will probably end, no matter how good you are. You'll have done yourself a favor by acquiring an education as ...

French bulldogs have higher risk of 20 common health disorders

French Bulldogs have significantly higher odds of being diagnosed with 20 common disorders compared to other dog breeds, reports a study published in the journal Canine Medicine and Genetics. To reduce the risks of breathing ...

After COVID-19: Recalibrating the American educational system

The closure of schools mid-semester and the transition to online learning have forced a great reckoning in American education. As with the health care sector, the education system stands to be profoundly transformed by the ...

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