Related topics: clouds

Aerosols may affect climate more than previously thought

A key to improving climate prediction is to improve understanding of the impact of aerosol on clouds, commonly known as the aerosol-cloud-interaction, according to a new study led by Earth System Science Interdisciplinary ...

New cloud model could help with climate research

When clouds meet clear skies, cloud droplets evaporate as they mix with dry air. A new study involving researchers from the University of Gothenburg has succeeded in capturing what happens in a model. Ultimately, this could ...

Antarctica's ocean brightens clouds

The teeming life in the Southern Ocean, which encircles Antarctica, contributes to brightening the clouds that form there, according to a study published today in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. The clouds are bright because ...

Cloud study demystifies impact of aerosols

Aerosol particles in the atmosphere have a bigger impact on cloud cover—but less effect on cloud brightness—than previously thought, new research shows.

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