LASSO case study—tapping ARM's Doppler lidars

Cumulus clouds, low and rain-free, get their name from the Latin word for "heap." With flat bases and puffy upper surfaces, such clouds appear to bubble into the sky, turning grey at the bottom and brilliant white at the ...

Satellite imagery shows Willa dissipated over Mexico

Satellite data showed a shapeless area of clouds over northeastern Mexico on Oct. 24 where former hurricane Willa has dissipated. NOAA's GOES-West satellite captured a visible image of Willa's remnant clouds.

NASA provides takes powerful Hurricane Sergio's temperature

Infrared light provides scientists with temperature data and that's important when trying to understand the strength of storms. NASA's Aqua satellite provided those cloud top temperatures of Category 4 Hurricane Sergio in ...

NASA checks out Hurricane Sergio's cloud temperature

NASA's Aqua satellite peered into Hurricane Sergio with infrared light to determine if the storm was intensifying or weakening. Infrared data showed cloud top temperatures were getting warmer on the western half of the storm, ...

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