Astronomers discover how galaxies form through mergers

Astronomers in the UK announce today that have established how galaxies like our own Milky Way formed over 10 billion years of cosmic time through an abundance of separate galaxies colliding together.

Rehearsal time for NASA's asteroid sampling spacecraft

In August, a robotic spacecraft will make NASA's first-ever attempt to descend to the surface of an asteroid, collect a sample, and ultimately bring it safely back to Earth. In order to achieve this challenging feat, the ...

Bacteria form biofilms like settlers form cities

Microbiologists have long adopted the language of human settlement to describe how bacteria live and grow: They "invade" and "colonize." Relations dwelling in close proximity are "colonies."

A new method to detect exoplanets

In recent years, a large number of exoplanets have been found around single "normal" stars. New research shows that there may be exceptions to this trend. Researchers from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL), ...

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