Texas-sized tract of single-celled clones

A Rice University study of microbes from a Houston-area cow pasture has confirmed once again that everything is bigger in Texas, even the single-celled stuff. The tests revealed the first-ever report of a large, natural colony ...

EU lawmakers want full animal cloning ban

EU lawmakers backed calls Tuesday to tighten up a proposed ban on cloning animals for food so as to ensure they never find a place on European farms.

EU lawmakers back animal cloning ban

EU lawmakers on Wednesday backed a ban on cloning farm animals and products derived from them, citing deep public unease at the prospect they could make it onto supermarket shelves.

Texas horse breeders take clone battle to court

(AP)—The nation's pre-eminent quarter horse association is facing off in court against two breeders who claim the organization is wrongly excluding clones.

Apple accepts payment in China's yuan currency

Apple has started accepting payment in China's yuan currency through its online store, opening it up to the biggest Internet market in the world, company officials said Monday.

Animal eggs not suitable substitutes to produce stem cells

Since the cloning of Dolly the Sheep over a decade ago, somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) has been considered a promising way to generate human, patient-specific stem cells for therapeutic applications. The shortage of ...

New Zealand police ordered to return Dotcom material

A New Zealand judge on Friday ordered police to return any digital material seized in an armed raid on Internet mogul Kim Dotcom's mansion last year not directly related to the prosecution against him.

Scientists develop new potato lines to wage war on wireworms

When wireworms feast on potatoes, the results aren't pretty: The spuds' surfaces are left punctured, pitted and unappealing. For the past few years, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists and their colleagues have ...

Dying giant sequoia planted by Muir is cloned

Horticulturists recently announced that they had successfully cloned a genetic replica of an ailing 130-year-old giant sequoia planted by conservationist John Muir in the 1880s on his ranch in Martinez, Calif.

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