New ZEBRA bracelet strengthens computer security

In a big step for securing critical information systems, such as medical records in clinical settings, Dartmouth College researchers have created a new approach to computer security that authenticates users continuously while ...

Nanotechnology takes on diabetes

( —A sensor which can be used to screen for diabetes in resource-poor settings has been developed by researchers and tested in diabetic patients, and will soon be field tested in sub-Saharan Africa.

New nerve and muscle interfaces aid wounded warrior amputees

Since 2000, more than 2,000 servicemembers have suffered amputated limbs. DARPA's breakthrough research with advanced prosthetic limbs controlled by brain interfaces is well documented, but such research is currently limited ...

Tracking the evolution of antibiotic resistance

With the discovery of antibiotics, medicine acquired power on a scale never before possible to protect health, save lives, and reduce suffering caused by certain bacteria. But the power of antibiotics is now under siege because ...

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