Why can't we replace sniffer dogs with electronic noses?

Compared to other senses, our sense of smell is often overlooked. Our noses can alert us to risks such as rotten food, gas leaks and burning toast. But for advanced tasks such as detecting bombs or contraband, or diseases ...

The new compound that destroys the MRSA superbug

A compound that both inhibits the MRSA superbug and renders it more vulnerable to antibiotics has been discovered by scientists at the University of Bath led by Dr. Maisem Laabei and Dr. Ian Blagbrough.

Testing finds illness sickening Michigan dogs is parvovirus

An illness that has sickened dogs in northern Michigan, killing some of them, was found to be canine parvovirus, a common ailment the affected dogs were not fully vaccinated against, state officials said.

Medicines 3D-printed in seven seconds

Medicines can be printed in seven seconds in a new 3D-printing technique that could enable rapid on-site production of medicines, reports a UCL-led research team.

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