COP26: The psychological game behind a successful negotiation

Whether we are consciously aware of it or not, we negotiate in every aspect of our daily lives—whether it be persuading a child to eat its vegetables, haggling over a property price, or discussing the terms of a job offer. ...

What are the drivers of individual climate actions in Europe?

Individual climate actions are an essential pillar for achieving the climate change mitigation goals of the Paris Agreement. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change recognizes the importance of individual ...

Coffee and the effects of climate change

Whether you prefer notes of berry and citrus or chocolate and nuts, dark roast or light, a good cup of coffee can be a simple pleasure. You probably would notice if some of your morning brew's brightness disappeared, or if ...

Sea-level rise may worsen existing Bay Area inequities

Rather than waiting for certainty in sea-level rise projections, policymakers can plan now for future coastal flooding by addressing existing inequities among the most vulnerable communities in flood zones, according to Stanford ...

Soil bacteria evolve with climate change

While evolution is normally thought of as occurring over millions of years, researchers at the University of California, Irvine have discovered that bacteria can evolve in response to climate change in 18 months. In a study ...

Gene discovery may help peaches tolerate climate stress

A Boyce Thompson Institute-led team has identified genes enabling peaches and their wild relatives to tolerate stressful conditions—findings that could help the domesticated peach adapt to climate change.

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