Study: Global warming worsening watery dead zones

Global warming is likely playing a bigger role than previously thought in dead zones in oceans, lakes and rivers around the world and it's only going to get worse, according to a new study.

Image: Lake Chad from orbit

This Landsat-8 image from 4 July 2014 shows Lake Chad in West Africa's Sahel region – a transition zone between the Sahara Desert to the north and savannahs and woodlands to the south.

Under the bright lights of an aging sun

Life as we know it on Earth is linked to our star, the Sun, which provides our planet with just the right amount of heat and energy for liquid water to be stable in our lakes, rivers and oceans. However, as the Sun ages, ...

Kerry urges global strategy to save the world's oceans

US Secretary of State John Kerry Monday called for a global strategy to save the world's oceans, saying everyone had a "shared responsibility" to protect the seas covering 75 percent of the planet.

Rainfall in South Pacific was more variable before 20th century

A new reconstruction of climate in the South Pacific during the past 446 years shows rainfall varied much more dramatically before the start of the 20th century than after. The finding, based on an analysis of a cave formation ...

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