'Coal summit' stokes trouble at climate talks

Poland on Thursday defended a contested "coal summit" that will be staged in Warsaw next week alongside climate talks on curbing Earth-warming fossil fuels.

'Japan plans $16 bn aid package for greenhouse-gas cuts'

Japan's public and private sectors will supply an aid package worth $16 billion over three years to help developing nations cut greenhouse-gas emissions, a report said Tuesday, as climate talks get underway in Warsaw.

Expect increasingly violent cyclones, weather experts warn

Meteorologists have yet to formally link global warming to typhoons like the one that devastated the Philippines, but they expect increasingly extreme weather phenomena due to a rise in ocean temperatures.

Typhoon Haiyan overshadows UN climate talks (Update)

The devastation caused by Typhoon Haiyan cast a gloom over U.N. climate talks Monday as the envoy from the Philippines broke down in tears and announced he would fast until a "meaningful outcome is in sight."

Two-degree global warming limit 'ever more elusive': UN

The chance of limiting global temperature increases to two degrees Celsius this century are swiftly diminishing, a new United Nations report warned Tuesday, ahead of the body's annual climate talks next week.

UN report to point to mounting climate challenge

Scientists will hike pressure next week on the UN's troubled climate talks as they release a report pointing to the dizzying challenge of meeting the international body's target for global warming.

Beyond NYC: Other places adapting to climate, too

From Bangkok to Miami, cities and coastal areas across the globe are already building or planning defenses to protect millions of people and key infrastructure from more powerful storm surges and other effects of global warming.

UN climate talks marred by decision-making spat

U.N. climate talks have hit a stumbling block that some delegates say poses a serious challenge to their already slow-moving attempt to craft a global response to climate change.

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