A new approach to UK resilience needed

Leading academics from across Cranfield University are calling for a new approach to UK resilience. Writing in today's Financial Times, the academics believe that as well as lessons learnt from the response to COVID-19 there ...

Beyond the green revolution

There has been a substantial increase in food production over the last 50 years, but it has been accompanied by a narrowing in the diversity of cultivated crops. New research shows that diversifying crop production can make ...

Research links civic engagement to resilience

Flowers, home-cooked meals, and time were among the items donated in the aftermath of the Christchurch terror attacks. A new University of Otago study has found these simple acts of kindness not only benefited victims, but ...

Saving threatened orangutans with climate change-resilient trees

A study of the International Union for Conservation of Nature has identified tree species native to Indonesia's Kutai National Park that are resilient to climate change. The species support threatened East Bornean orangutan ...

Mānoa: Are Hawaiian corals adjusting to warmer temperatures?

A team of researchers from the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology and the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum conducted a study of coral resiliency that showed some corals are better ...

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