How the ice ages ended

A study of sediment cores collected from the deep ocean supports a new explanation for how glacier melting at the end of the ice ages led to the release of carbon dioxide from the ocean.

Weather and climate predictions are worth their weight in gold

The economic costs of damaging weather events have an immense and increasing impact on the U.S. economy, and these costs could be anticipated and mitigated by improved weather and climate predictions, say a range of experts ...

Governments falling short in drought fight, UN says

Governments worldwide are failing to do enough to tackle drought, which lacks the headline-making punch of a hurricane but can have an equally devastating human and economic impact, the UN weather agency warned Thursday.

Study provides new insights on drought predictions in East Africa

(—With more than 40 million people living under exceptional drought conditions in East Africa, the ability to make accurate predictions of drought has never been more important. In the aftermath of widespread famine ...

Mathematicians tackle global issues

More than 100 academic institutions and scholarly societies have joined in a major world-wide initiative: Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE) 2013. This year-long effort will highlight the contributions made by mathematics ...

Researchers find microbes accelerate soil carbon loss

(—New research from scientists at the University of Wyoming and Colorado State University suggests that the loss of carbon from soils in response to climate change could be accelerated by unexpected responses of ...

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