Arctic ice melt sets stage for cold weather

( -- The dramatic melt-off of Arctic sea ice due to climate change is hitting closer to home than millions of Americans might think. That's because melting Arctic sea ice can trigger a domino effect leading to increased ...

Desert dust intensifies summer rainfall in U.S. southwest

( -- Dust is more than something to be brushed off the furniture. Scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory found that dust kicked up from the desert floor acts like a heat pump in the atmosphere, fueling ...

A practical guide to green products and services

A new report published today by the European Commission's in-house science service, the Joint Research Centre (JRC), provides key information for policy makers and business managers on how to assess the environmental impacts ...

China 'river pig' deaths raise extinction fears

China says 16 endangered finless porpoises have been found dead since the beginning of the year and experts blame water pollution and climate change for pushing the species toward extinction.

Why Europe's climate faces a stormy future

( -- Europe is likely to be hit by more violent winter storms in the future. Now a new study into the effects of climate change has found out why.

Feds: 'Meterological March madness' mostly random

(AP) -- Freak chance was mostly to blame for the record warm March weather that gripped two-thirds of the country, with man-made global warming providing only a tiny assist, a quick federal analysis shows.

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