New data reveals climate change might be more rapid than predicted

About 30 massive, intricate computer networks serve the scientists who stand at the forefront of climate change research. Each network runs a software program comprised of millions of lines of code. These programs are computational ...

What we're still learning about how trees grow

What will happen to the world's forests in a warming world? Will increased atmospheric carbon dioxide help trees grow? Or will extremes in temperature and precipitation hold growth back? That all depends on whether tree growth ...

On ancient Earth, it never rained but it poured

Today, we are experiencing the dramatic impacts that even a small increase in global temperatures can have on a planet's climate. Now, imagine an Earth 20 to 30 degrees Fahrenheit (11 - 17 C) hotter than today. Earth likely ...

Planting forests may cool the planet more than thought

Planting trees and replenishing forests are among the simplest and most appealing natural climate solutions, but the impact of trees on atmospheric temperature is more complex than meets the eye.

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