New panels want to talk ethics, rules of climate tinkering

Tinkering with the planet's air to cool Earth's ever-warming climate is inching closer to reality enough so that two different high-powered groups—one of scientists and one of former world leaders—are trying to come up ...

Earth BioGenome Project begins genome sequencing in earnest

A global effort to map the genomes of all plants, animals, fungi and other microbial life on Earth, is entering a new phase as it moves from pilot projects to full-scale production sequencing. This new phase of the The Earth ...

Can the world change course on climate?

Nazli Choucri is a professor of political science and an expert on climate issues, who also focuses on international relations and cyberpolitics. She is the architect and director of the Global System for Sustainable Development, ...

Climate disasters 'block access to women's healthcare'

Climate change-related disasters are worsening the vulnerabilities of women and girls as essential health services including family planning get overlooked during such times, a report says.

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