China, US to discuss cybersecurity at forum

China is ready to discuss strengthening cybersecurity with U.S. officials at a high-level forum next week and wants Washington to help settle territorial disputes in East Asia, officials said Friday.

UN says 2001-2010 decade shows faster warming trend

Global warming accelerated since the 1970s and broke more countries' temperature records than ever before in the first decade of the new millennium, U.N. climate experts said Wednesday.

Major study assesses sea level changes due to ice sheet losses

( —Improved satellite measurements and computer simulations of ice sheets are creating a more accurate picture of the current and future rise in global sea level, according to an international team of climate experts ...

Climate change rewrites world wine list

It's circa 2050 and shoppers are stopping off at Ikea to buy fine wine made in Sweden. A Nordic fantasy? Not according to climate experts who say the Earth's warming phase is already driving a wave of change through the world ...

Nesting turtle numbers fall in South Asia

Conservationists have expressed alarm over the low number of turtles arriving on the coast of east India and Bangladesh for the nesting season, blaming overfishing and climate change for the decline.

Climate vs. weather: Extreme events narrow the doubts

Heatwaves, drought and floods that have struck the northern hemisphere for the third summer running are narrowing doubts that man-made warming is disrupting Earth's climate system, say some scientists.

Climate: Nine bids to host future technology centre

Plans for a global centre to help transfer clean technology to poorer countries have drawn nine bids, including from Iran's oil industry and a team led by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the UN climate forum said on ...

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