Study recommends special protection of emperor penguins

In a new study published this week (Wednesday 9 October) in the journal Biological Conservation, an international team of researchers recommends the need for additional measures to protect and conserve one of the most iconic ...

Wildlife protections tightened as southern Africa protests

A global wildlife summit has decided to regulate trade in giraffes and tighten protections for endangered animals including elephants, triggering a threat from disgruntled southern African nations to leave an international ...

Nations agree milestone rulebook for Paris climate treaty

Nations on Sunday struck a deal to breathe life into the landmark 2015 Paris climate treaty after marathon UN talks that failed to match the ambition the world's most vulnerable countries need to avert dangerous global warming.

Nations agree rulebook for Paris climate treaty

Nations on Sunday struck a deal to implement the landmark 2015 Paris climate treaty after marathon UN talks that failed to match the ambition the world's most vulnerable countries need to avert dangerous global warming.

UN schemes to save forests 'can trample on tribal rights'

The only UN-approved financial mechanism to curb deforestation, a key driver of global warming, has bulldozed the rights of forest-dwelling peoples on three continents and needs to be fixed, experts say.

Highlights of the Paris Agreement

On Dec. 12, 2015, 195 countries gathered in the French capital to conclude the world's first universal climate treaty, the Paris Agreement, aimed at preventing worst-case scenarios for global warming.

India worries it compromised too much on climate treaty

As the world celebrates reaching an unprecedented global climate treaty, India is praising nations' willingness to compromise for the good of the planet. But many in the country—which had been among the most strident during ...

In Keystone snub, Obama tries to lockdown his climate legacy

For years, President Barack Obama chided Republicans and Democrats alike for treating the Keystone XL pipeline as a signal of whether the U.S. would seriously fight global warming. Now that he's killed the project, Obama ...

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