Protecting and regenerating tropical mangroves

Mangroves were once seen as inhospitable malarial swamps and were among the fastest disappearing habitats in the world. Now, with input from Bangor University, one community project in Kenya is working to restore mangroves ...

Space station gets an attitude adjustment for solar science

The sun lightens our world and enlightens our scientists as they look to our closest star for a better understanding of solar activity and what it means for our planet. Unique data from solar studies help researchers build ...

Fewer low clouds in the tropics

With the help of satellite data, ETH scientists have shown that low-level cloud cover in the tropics thins out as the earth warms. Since this cloud cover has a cooling effect on the climate, the two-degree warming target ...

World's largest collection of moss species

Peatlands, with their huge diversity of peat moss species, store about 30 percent of the Earth's soil carbon. This means they store roughly twice as much carbon as all the world's forests combined. However, peat harvesting ...

China's foreign coal push risks global climate goals

China's plan to fund dozens of foreign coal plants from Zimbabwe to Indonesia is set to produce more emissions than major developed nations, threatening global efforts to fight climate change, environmentalists have warned.

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