Researchers propose guidelines to communicate climate change

Researchers from the Interactive Technologies Institute (ITI) found that climate change communication has followed trends. They propose design guidelines to engage communities successfully in this field. Their results have ...

Scientists issue new climate adaptation 'scorecard'

A new study, co-authored by researchers at the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the University of British Columbia's Faculty of Forestry, offers a "scorecard" for climate adaptation projects—a set of 16 criteria ...

Improving climate projections in the polar regions

The polar regions play a crucial role in balancing global climate—with the poles heating up much faster than the rest of the world. Yet, climate projections for these regions still have significant uncertainties. This is ...

Zooming in on climate predictions

In the quest to better understand climate change, there is plenty we still don't know. But the question isn't whether or not climate change is happening. "What we sometimes hear on the news is political manufactured uncertainty," ...

Measuring shoreline retreat with Earth observation satellites

Climate change is having an undeniable influence on coastal areas. A substantial proportion of the world's sandy coastlines are already eroding owing to increased storm surges, flooding and sea level rise. With our coastal ...

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