A primer for understanding climate science

Climate science and threats from climate change have been hot topics of conversation amongst the public as well as business and political leaders. And despite the fact that more than 90 percent of climate scientists attribute ...

Zooming in on climate predictions

In the quest to better understand climate change, there is plenty we still don't know. But the question isn't whether or not climate change is happening. "What we sometimes hear on the news is political manufactured uncertainty," ...

Study: Climate change damages US economy, increases inequality

Unmitigated climate change will make the United States poorer and more unequal, according to a new study published in the journal Science. The poorest third of counties could sustain economic damages costing as much as 20 ...

Fewer low clouds in the tropics

With the help of satellite data, ETH scientists have shown that low-level cloud cover in the tropics thins out as the earth warms. Since this cloud cover has a cooling effect on the climate, the two-degree warming target ...

Climate modelers improve novel methods to corral uncertainty

Riffing on the theory that two heads are better than one when tackling a tough problem, it was all hands on deck for nearly 70 scientists and students from some 30 countries around the world attending a five-day workshop ...

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