Biden restores environmental safeguards dropped by Trump

The administration of President Joe Biden on Tuesday announced it would restore safeguards in a cornerstone environmental law weakened under Donald Trump—including a duty to assess the climate impacts of proposed infrastructure ...

Better control of development aid through AI

Development aid money is used to build schools, connect villages to the electricity grid and expand health care in poorer countries. A detailed and up-to-date overview of development aid projects is important to ensure that ...

Seaweed removal helps coral babies thrive

Marine scientists have found removing macroalgae from reefs can help coral larvae settle and has great possibilities as a citizen-science project to help coral reefs survive.

Earth BioGenome Project begins genome sequencing in earnest

A global effort to map the genomes of all plants, animals, fungi and other microbial life on Earth, is entering a new phase as it moves from pilot projects to full-scale production sequencing. This new phase of the The Earth ...

Forests with rich tree species grow more consistently

A recent study in Science Advances shows that extreme weather conditions affect species-rich forests less than forests with fewer species. In addition, species-rich forests also produce more wood—largely due to the diversity ...

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