How the dinosaur extinction changed plant evolution

With the extinction of large, non-flying dinosaurs 66 million years ago, large herbivores were missing on Earth for the subsequent 25 million years. Since plants and herbivorous animals influence each other, the question ...

Meet the forest microbes that can survive megafires

New UC Riverside research shows fungi and bacteria able to survive redwood tanoak forest megafires are microbial "cousins" that often increase in abundance after feeling the flames.

The role of drought in Syrian war was exaggerated

With the aid of satellite images, researchers at Lund University in Sweden have uncovered unique data on the severe drought that hit Syria between 2007 and 2009. Previously, many politicians and researchers believed that ...

'Tree of life' could help slow climate change

Changing the way fruit is gathered from a "tree of life" could have hugely positive environmental and financial impacts in Amazonia, according to a new study.

How hydropower dams impact the communities they're built in

Over the last two decades, almost 1,000 hydropower dams have been built around the globe. And while these dams provide many benefits to farmers, wildlife and the climate, the costs of their construction on local communities ...

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