NASA provides a super-speed look at Webb Telescope progress

( —NASA released a new sped-up, 32-second video that shows engineers working on some of the James Webb Space Telescope's flight components to integrate them together to ensure they will work perfectly together ...

Video hails arrival of 2 different Webb Telescope mirrors

(—The sole secondary mirror and a third primary mirror segment that will fly aboard NASA's James Webb Space Telescope arrived at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., on Nov. 5, 2012. A video of ...

Image: A view from NASA's Webb Bed-Chamber

This photo, taken from the inside of Chamber A, a giant cryogenic vacuum chamber at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, shows the large vehicle resembling a bed frame in the foreground that will move James Webb Space ...

Can AC protect against wildfire smoke?

As climate change increases the severity and frequency of wildfires in North America, experts say many Americans are at risk of experiencing one in their lifetime. But even more may be affected by the unhealthy air quality ...

Image: Prepping to launch for the sun

NASA's Parker Solar Probe has cleared the final procedures in the clean room before its move to the launch pad, where it will be integrated onto its launch vehicle, a United Launch Alliance Delta IV Heavy. This is an historic ...

NASA's Lucy in the cleanroom

L'Ralph is one of the Lucy spacecraft's three primary science instruments. The L'Ralph instrument is a multicolor camera which will gather information on the surface composition of the Trojan asteroids, including organics. ...

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