California lays out plan to drastically cut fossil fuel use

New homes built in California starting in 2026 need to be powered by all-electric furnaces, stoves and other appliances if California is to meet its ambitious climate change goals over the next two decades, according to a ...

Study: Regulatory hurdles hinder biofuels market

Regulatory hurdles abound for the successful commercialization of emerging liquid biofuels, which hold the promise of enhancing U.S. energy security, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and serving as a driver for rural economic ...

US to defend fossil fuels at UN climate meeting

The White House will host an event defending fossil fuel use Monday at UN climate talks in Germany, in a move blasted by green energy campaigners and conference president Fiji.

New step towards clean energy production from enzymes

Oxygen inhibits hydrogenases, a group of enzymes that are able to produce and split hydrogen. This degradation is fatal for possible biotechnological applications of these enzymes for the production of clean energy. Understanding ...

Study: Fossil fuel plans would far overshoot climate goals

The world needs to cut by more than half its production of coal, oil and gas in the coming decade to maintain a chance of keeping global warming from reaching dangerous levels, according to a U.N.-backed study released Wednesday.

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