Toward home-brewed electricity with 'personalized solar energy'

New scientific discoveries are moving society toward the era of "personalized solar energy," in which the focus of electricity production shifts from huge central generating stations to individuals in their own homes and ...

Study expects rising interest in energy saving

(AP) -- Energy-efficient technology for batteries, grids and power storage will be trendy in 2010, according to a study released Wednesday on clean energy technology.

'Green-collar' jobs ruffled by recession, but may rebound

"Green-collar" hiring took a hit during the current recession, but may accelerate beyond its 1998-2007 growth rate of about 9 percent a year -- more than double the 3.7 percent growth rate for traditional jobs.

New Catalyst Paves the Path for Ethanol-Powered Fuel Cells

( -- A team of scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory, in collaboration with researchers from the University of Delaware and Yeshiva University, has developed a new ...

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