New climate study argues for carbon fee

A new study reports that current rising temperatures already noticeably load the 'climate dice', with growing practical impacts. As a bottom line, the lead author, Dr James Hansen, argues that a carbon fee is needed to spur ...

Renewables key in race against climate change clock

Any plausible game plan for capping the rise of Earth's surface temperature depends on replacing fossil fuels with energy sources that generate little or no carbon pollution.

UAE says to invest $35 bln in clean energy by 2021

The gas-rich United Arab Emirates will invest $35 billion in clean energy by 2021 as it seeks to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels following crude's global price slide, it said Sunday.

Nanowires give 'solar fuel cell' efficiency a tenfold boost

A solar cell that produces fuel rather than electricity. Researchers at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and FOM Foundation today present a very promising prototype of this in the journal Nature Communications. The ...

Mexico sets 25 pct pollution cut by 2030 for climate talks

Mexico has become the first developing nation to submit pollutant reduction goals for next fall's Paris climate change talks, pledging to cut greenhouse gas and black carbon emissions 25 percent by 2030.

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