Using metals for fuel

Did you know that in microgravity we are preparing one of the most promising fuels for the future?

Renewable energy targets can undermine sustainable intentions

Renewable energy targets (RETs) may be too blunt a tool for ensuring a sustainable future, according to University of Queensland-led research. Ph.D. candidate Scott Spillias, from UQ's School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, ...

Air pollution costs $2.9 trillion a year: NGO

The global cost of air pollution caused by fossil fuels is $8 billion a day, or roughly 3.3 percent of the entire world's economic output, an environmental research group said on Wednesday.

Creating the conditions for a globally just energy transition

How can energy transition be organized in a globally just way? Will developing countries struggle to transition to clean energy because they lack the financial and technical means? A new policy brief by the Institute for ...

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