Chip packets help make safer water in Papua New Guinea

University of Adelaide mechanical engineering students and staff have designed a low-cost and easily made drinking water treatment system suitable for remote communities in Papua New Guinea (PNG) – using foil chip packets ...

Bringing clean water to developing nations

"It's been a long, hard slog," says Susan Murcott, a senior lecturer in MIT's Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, describing her efforts to disseminate water-filtration systems to some three million people ...

In Rio favela, hungry caimans complicate water hunt

Residents of a Rio de Janeiro favela face a dangerous challenge in their quest for clean drinking water: a canal infested with hungry caimans, South America's alligator cousins.

Origami inspires highly efficient solar steam generator

Water covers most of the globe, yet many regions still suffer from a lack of clean drinking water. If scientists could efficiently and sustainably turn seawater into clean water, a looming global water crisis might be averted. ...

Water for Mongolia

Clean water is a rare commodity in many countries of the world and governments often face problems ensuring its reliable supply. In Mongolia, an interdisciplinary research team is demonstrating how this vital resource can ...

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