An atom-thick graphene membrane for industrial gas separation

Chemical engineers at EPFL have demonstrated for the first time that an atom-thick graphene membrane can separate gas mixtures with a high-efficiency. The "ultimate" membrane is scalable, making it a breakthrough for industrial ...

Innovation making waves pulling water from air

Researchers in Simon Fraser University's School of Mechatronics Systems Engineering are tackling the world's water crisis by pulling water out of the air.

Invention uses bacteria to purify water

A University of British Columbia-developed system that uses bacteria to turn non-potable water into drinking water will be tested next week in West Vancouver prior to being installed in remote communities in Canada and beyond.

The sorry state of Earth's species, in numbers

The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) issued a dire diagnosis Friday of Earth's plant and animal species.

Toxic blue-green algae adapt to rising CO2

A common type of blue-green algae is finding it easy to adapt to Earth's rising CO2 levels, meaning blue-green algae – of which there are many toxin-producing varieties – are even more adept at handling changing climatic ...

Standalone system to produce drinking water via solar energy

Researchers from the University of Alicante's research group in applied electrochemistry and electrocatalysis have developed a standalone system for desalinating and treating water through electrodialysis. The system is directly ...

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