Red spruce reviving in New England, but why?

In the 1970s, red spruce was the forest equivalent of a canary in the coal mine, signaling that acid rain was damaging forests and that some species, especially red spruce, were particularly sensitive to this human induced ...

China fights big smog with big air purifier

China has a found a novel way to tackle its massive air pollution problem: Putting up a giant air purifier the size of an industrial smokestack in the middle of a smog-plagued city.

Windows with nanostructured coatings can cure 'sick' buildings

Harmful organic molecules in the indoor air can cause adverse health effects—a problem known as the 'sick building syndrome'. Current air-cleaning technologies require both energy and upkeep, but a promising new solution ...

Air pollution costs $2.9 trillion a year: NGO

The global cost of air pollution caused by fossil fuels is $8 billion a day, or roughly 3.3 percent of the entire world's economic output, an environmental research group said on Wednesday.

New device better traps viruses, airborne pathogens

(—Washington University engineering researchers have created a new type of air-cleaning technology that could better protect human lungs from allergens, airborne viruses and ultrafine particles in the air.

US moves to push global trade deal on green goods

The United States said Friday it was planning to begin negotiations with other leading trading countries for a deal to cut tariffs for green goods like solar panels.

EPA moves to restore rule on mercury from power plants

The Environmental Protection Agency on Friday reaffirmed the basis for a rule that requires "significant reductions" in mercury and other harmful pollutants from power plants, reversing a move late in former President Donald ...

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