Increase in red spruce growth tied to the Clean Air Act

The Clean Air Act, implemented in 1990, has been heralded as an economic and environmental success story that has led to cuts in ground-level ozone by more than 25% since 1980, a reduction in mercury emissions by 45%, and ...

Deal requires deep pollution cuts at Iowa coal-fired plants

Iowa's second largest power company agreed Wednesday to drastically cut pollution at several coal-fired power plants under a Clean Air Act settlement that's expected to make the air safer and easier to breathe around the ...

After mercury ruling, higher scrutiny of Obama climate rules

Sweeping pollution limits at the center of President Barack Obama's climate change plan are facing increased scrutiny in the wake of a Supreme Court ruling that showed that the justices aren't afraid to thwart perceived overreach ...

Justices rule against EPA power plant mercury limits

The Supreme Court ruled Monday against the Obama administration's attempt to limit power plant emissions of mercury and other hazardous air pollutants, but it may only be a temporary setback for regulators.

Appeals court tosses suits challenging climate change plan

A federal appeals court on Tuesday threw out a pair of high-profile lawsuits challenging the Obama administration's sweeping plan to address climate change, saying it's too early to challenge a proposed rule that isn't yet ...

EPA's methane crackdown to come slow and easy

The Obama administration on Jan. 14 announced its long-awaited plan to control the oil and gas industry's emissions of methane, saying it would in the next decade cut in half leaks of the potent global-warming pollutant.

US proposes stricter ozone limits

The US Environmental Protection Agency announced plans Wednesday to strengthen emission regulations for ozone, a smog-causing pollutant blamed for respiratory ailments affecting millions of Americans.

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