Poverty-related stress affects readiness for school

Stress in the lives of poor children is one cause of the early achievement gap in which children from low-income homes start school behind their more advantaged classmates.

Appeals court won't reconsider Facebook settlement

A federal appeals court has refused to reconsider its decision ordering two former Harvard classmates of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to accept a multimillion dollar settlement over the company.

Teenagers use violence to boost their social standing

A new study looks in depth at the social relationships between male and female teenagers, relational violence, and psycho-social adjustment factors such as loneliness, self-esteem and satisfaction with life. The results show ...

No need to split twins for good grades: study

Whether or not twins are separated at school, a subject of debate that is often a dilemma for parents, has no affect on their grades, according to a Dutch study published Tuesday.

Classroom behavior: Why it's hard to be good

Being seen as either well behaved or naughty at school is never entirely in the hands of the individual child, this study funded by the Economic and Social Research Council shows.

Review: Need advice? Aardvark can sniff it out

(AP) -- I like to get advice from friends on all sorts of things, and love to give it even more. In the past few years, instant messaging, e-mail and Twitter have sped up the process, but there's still room for improvement.

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