The first cave-bound mollusc species from the Americas

Exclusively subterranean bivalves—the group of molluscs comprising clams, oysters, mussels, scallops—are considered a rarity. Prior to the present study, there had only been three such species confirmed in the world: ...

How a contagious cancer spread among clams

A contagious blood cancer jumped from one species of clam to another and spread among clams living in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, shows a study published today in eLife.

Researchers find climate change record in clam shells

The tiny, pale surf clam about the size of a fingernail that most people have seen and collected on beaches around the world holds clues in its shell to Earth's past. For the first time, researchers have been able to identify ...

Giant clams manipulate light to assist their symbiotic partner

Special cells in giant clams shift the wavelength of light to protect them from UV radiation and increase the photosynthetic activity of their symbionts, shows research from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology—originally ...

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