Vessel strikes drive large whale strandings

Increased whale strandings on the east coast of the United States remain a concern for biologists and citizens alike. Why this increase has occurred over a number of years is still being debated.

The costs of workplace violence are too high to ignore

Violence and harassment on the job are all too common: More than 1 in 5 workers worldwide have experienced it, according to the International Labor Organization, with women slightly more likely to be affected than men. In ...

Food survey: Consumers trust and value product labels

Americans tend to trust food labels, especially the ingredient list, expiration date and nutrition fact label, according to the March Consumer Food Insights Report. The most distrusted labels include low-calorie, naturalness ...

Thousands more flee as Sydney floods track north

Thousands of people on Australia's east coast fled their homes Wednesday as torrential rains tracked north after unleashing floods in Sydney that submerged communities, roads and bridges under mud-brown water.

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