Wild animals age too

Until now, the scientific community had assumed that wild animals died before they got old. Now, a Spanish-Mexican research team has for the first time demonstrated ageing in a population of wild birds (Sula nebouxii) in ...

Cave rock studies provide window into ancient civilisations

There is a certain romance to speleology, the study of caves, if you can see past the cold and the damp and the dark. Caves are ancient and often beautiful places. And they can be useful. Rock formations in caves, it turns ...

Iraqi Kurd nature reserve bids to shed violent legacy

Near Iraq's northernmost point, close to Turkey and Iran, a national park of snow-capped peaks and forested valleys is drawing tourists and researchers keen to explore a hardly touched land.

Africa can rapidly close the economic gap with the West

In the coming years Africa could experience a favourable turnaround and move away from poverty. A number of historical factors that until now have hindered a rapid agrarian transition is quickly being eliminated. But there ...

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