Bridging the science-policy communication gap

While policy decisions can have a huge impact on how people interact with their environment - and science should have a key role here - sound decision-making is based on science. This is not however always the case, and a ...

UK govt ordered official to stem Guardian leaks

Britain's government ordered the country's top civil servant to ask the Guardian newspaper to destroy data leaked by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, senior ministers said Wednesday.

UK closed UFO desk after 50yrs and no 'potential threat'

The British government finally shut down a special unit investigating UFO sightings after more than 50 years as it was a drain on resources and not a single report ever revealed " a potential threat to the United Kingdom," ...

Historian bids to solve education whodunnit

A political historian from The University of Manchester is bidding to solve the mystery of why the UK's colleges of education suddenly disappeared in the 1970s.

How will sequestration affect NASA?

It seems the US in not going to avoid the sequester—the $85 billion worth of federal spending cuts due to kick in March 1, 2013. There will be across the board cuts to government agencies, applying equally to defense and ...

Taiwan civil servants fall for sex video trap

Nearly 1,000 civil servants in Taiwan must take classes in cyber security after falling for a trap set up by their employer to test Internet safety, an official said on Wednesday.

India can monitor BlackBerry without codes: report

India has found a way to monitor BlackBerry corporate emails without asking developer Research in Motion (RIM) to hand over encryption codes a report said Wednesday, which could help end a standoff with the Canadian company.

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