Microbial miners could help humans colonize the moon and Mars

The biochemical process by which cyanobacteria acquire nutrients from rocks in Chile's Atacama Desert has inspired engineers at the University of California, Irvine to think of new ways microbes might help humans build colonies ...

Researchers are finding ways to turn down the heat in cities

Rooftop gardens and greenery can help ease some of the severe heat in cities, according to research from climate scientists at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York. For several decades, researchers ...

Why don't birds fall over when they jump?

Scientists have been analysing the way birds jump when they take-off to help us understand why they simply don't just fall over when attempting to fly.

Better protection against floods

Hurricanes are devastating. Aside from the high, sustained wind speeds, they usually bring with them heavy rain, which can quickly lead to the breaching of flood defences in susceptible areas. Now, US and UK researchers have ...

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