How to build functional and more appealing winter cities

How do you make winter cities more functional and appealing? The answer lies in social inclusion and economic engagement, according to new research by University of Alberta experts in human geography and urban planning.

Designing smarter cities using computer game thinking

Dr. Willem-Jan Renger, head of the Innovation Studio at HKU University of the Arts Utrecht, is driving citizen engagement in smart city planning using methods generally seen in computer game creation, as part of an international ...

Turning around urban decline

We've all seen the photos of Detroit when it was at its lowest point after the 2008 recession: street after street of vacant lots and abandoned homes—a city in visible decline. It might have been the poster child for urban ...

Planning for hurricanes

Rainstorms in 1960 look different from those in 2017, both in terms of intensity and rainfall.

Designing cities to combat climate change

Urban planners can take steps to reduce the heat cities may experience from climate change, but there would be other consequences and tradeoffs to consider, according to a study at Purdue University.

Smart cities better defined by new research

Researchers at the University of Birmingham have identified a handful of key elements that define 'smart cities'– cities like Singapore and Copenhagen, which are both at the top of their game in using technology to enable ...

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