Research shows link between home styles and high water use

Affluent neighborhoods with lawns—and occasionally swimming pools—use up to 10 times more water than neighborhoods with higher density housing with less landscaping, according to a Portland State University study.

Cities provide paths from poverty to sustainability

New international agreements commit all UN member nations to solving humanity's greatest challenges over the next few decades, from eliminating extreme poverty and unhealthy living conditions to addressing climate change ...

Mexico City trash-for-food market helps clean city

On a recent rainy Sunday morning in a Mexico City neighborhood, people lined up under their umbrellas with bags of empty milk cartons, plastic bottles and cardboard at their feet.

Two tornadoes hit New York City

Two small tornadoes touched down in New York City, stunning residents who associate twisters more with the US Midwest, the National Weather Service said.

Women caught up in 'rug rat race'

College-educated mothers in the United States are caught up in a "rug rat race." They are going to extremes to secure elite college admission for their kids, say University of California, San Diego economists Garey and Valerie ...

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