Electricity helping the blind navigate

Specialists at the Monterrey Institute of Technology (ITESM) developed a device able to guide blind or visually impaired people in established routes through electrical stimulation of the organs associated with balance (vestibular ...

The secret life of squirrels in New York City

A recent study has found eastern grey squirrels thrive in New York City's urban environment by adapting their behaviour according to cues from human pedestrians, and mostly by ignoring passers-by.

San Francisco sours on Apple computers

San Francisco city officials on Thursday said that they have soured on Apple computers due to the Macintosh maker's decision to bail out of a program to promote making electronics earth friendly.

Foxconn shows off changes at factory campus

The global controversy surrounding the treatment of assembly-line workers who manufacture iPhones and iPads - and just about every other consumer device - is triggering an unprecedented effort by Apple Inc. and its chief ...

Re-inventing the planned city

In response to population growth, many "new towns" or planned cities were built around the world in the 1950s. But according to Dr. Tali Hatuka, head of Tel Aviv University's Laboratory for Contemporary Urban Design (LCUD) ...

Stockholm's Green City award for what you can't see

A fisherman braces to reel in a large, wriggling salmon, its scales glistening in the sun as he lays his catch down, not on a sandy river bank but on the bustling cobblestone walkway outside parliament, at the very heart ...

Vehicles that drive themselves

The thought of a car or truck that can drive itself is at once both exciting and frightening. Autonomous vehicle navigation, as the technology is known, may make life more convenient if it allows people to kick back and enjoy ...

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