Toward a more inclusive definition of green infrastructure

Green infrastructure has been embraced as a tool to help cities achieve sustainability and resilience goals while improving the lives of urban residents. How green infrastructure is defined guides the types of projects that ...

New heat exposure model can protect citizens

Increasingly extreme heat threatens the health and comfort of city dwellers. That's why researchers from the University of Georgia have developed a new dynamic heat exposure index that captures varying heat exposure within ...

Bats in Tel Aviv enjoy a rich variety of food

A new Tel Aviv University study found that, like humans, bats living in Tel Aviv enjoy the wide variety and abundance of food that the city has to offer, in contrast to rural bats living in Beit Guvrin, who are content eating ...

Biodiversity loss could be making us sick – here's why

By 2050, 70% of the world's population is expected to live in towns and cities. Urban living brings many benefits, but city dwellers worldwide are seeing a rapid increase in noncommunicable health problems, such as asthma ...

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