Volunteers track Parisian pollution with the help of tree bark

Along the streets of Paris, more than 40,000 tall, leafy plane trees provide picturesque backdrops, offer shade to city dwellers, and improve air quality, among numerous other benefits. Since 2016, some of these trees have ...

Stressed out: how to measure dangerous heat

In the hottest year on record, with scorching conditions claiming lives from India to Mexico and Greece sweltering in its earliest-ever heat wave, experts are sounding the alarm over heat stress.

How farming could change in a post-growth world

Degrowth, or the idea that we can save the planet by shrinking our economies, is ceasing to be a fringe concept. In the past years, green politicians across the EU have increasingly claimed the school of thought offers the ...

Chemists tackle formation of natural aerosols

City dwellers have long had to contend with smog—that ugly haze that hangs over urban areas—as a result of emissions-producing human activities as diverse as manufacturing, mowing the lawn, driving cars, and even cooking.

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