Failed freeways are a road to nowhere

Freeways have failed to solve traffic congestion, but transport planners globally are hesitant to remove or rethink them, according to University of Queensland research.

Flying cars: Automating the skies means playing with our lives

Recent research suggests that flying cars could eventually be a sustainable way to free up roads. The first models are set to hit our skies in 2019 as personal playthings, while industry sees them as taxis and commuter vehicles ...

Why we shouldn't ban 'tiny vehicles'

E-scooter mania is sweeping cities around the world. Fun, accessible and cheap to rent, shared electric scooters are one of the biggest technology stories this year.

Cable cars could reshape urban landscapes

Cable cars are one of the hallmarks of Switzerland, along with funiculars and paddlewheel boats. They adorn the country's mountaintops like garlands. While cable cars are most often associated with leisure activities in the ...

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