Scientists Find Evidence of Casuarina Hybrids

( -- Hybrids of the invasive Australian plant species Casuarina exist in Florida, Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists and university cooperators have found.

The battle to save citrus fruits

Huanglongbing, (HLB), also known as citrus greening, has devastated Florida's citrus farms. Although some growers in China and Brazil have been able to control the problem, California groves are now threatened, according ...

Italian olive tree disease stumps EU

EU member states are divided on how to stop the spread of a disease affecting olive trees in Italy that could result in around a million being cut down, officials said Friday.

Jamaica bans sale of citrus plants to control pest

(AP) -- Jamaica has shuttered all citrus nurseries across the tropical country to try and check an invasive pest that carries a fast-spreading bacteria capable of devastating its $43 million commercial industry, officials ...

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