An impermeable wrap for future electronics

A moisture-resistant coating that extends the lifetime and reliability of plastic electronic devices, such as organic solar cells or flexible displays, has garnered the intense interest of developers of next-generation lighting ...

Lemurs show there's no single formula for lasting love

Humans aren't the only mammals that form long-term bonds with a single, special mate—some bats, wolves, beavers, foxes and other animals do, too. But new research suggests the brain circuitry that makes love last in some ...

Why do guppies jump? The answer is evolutionary (w/ video)

( —If you've owned a pet guppy, you know they often jump out of their tanks. Many a child has asked why the guppy jumped; many a parent has been stumped for an answer. Now a study by University of Maryland biologist ...

Novel technique shrinks size of nanotechnology circuitry

( -- A University of Colorado at Boulder team has developed a new method of shrinking the size of circuitry used in nanotechnology devices like computer chips and solar cells by using two separate colors of light.

Semiconductor miniaturisation with 2D nanolattices

A European research project has made an important step towards the further miniaturisation of nanoelectronics, using a highly-promising new material called silicene. Its goal: to make devices of the future vastly more powerful ...

Researchers test radiation-resistant spintronic material

A team of researchers from the University of Michigan and Western Michigan University is exploring new materials that could yield higher computational speeds and lower power consumption, even in harsh environments.

Scientists identify likely origins of vertebrate air breathing

University of Alaska Fairbanks scientists have identified what they think is the ancestral trait that allowed for the evolution of air breathing in vertebrates. They will present their research at the 42nd annual meeting ...

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